(OLD 5.7 Discussion FORUM)

5.7 controllers for single_pages confusion

I can not seem to get a crontroller to work for a single_page. I have a single page called Newsroom /applications/single_pages/newsroom/view.php [code] echo "test page"; echo "[".$test."]"; $a = new Area('Main'); $a->enableGridContainer(); $…


Is the Gathering block still a wip?

Elemental theme blue sky preset broken

I there, I have just installed concrete, and I was trying out the Elemental theme. When I changed the preset from Sunrise to Blue Sky, everything broke and I had to reinstall. I tried again, and the same happened. This is the error: ParseError:…

Output Color Code as Hex in 5.7 Block View

I am working on a block for 5.7 that uses the "hex" format for color codes as a hex (ex. #000000), instead of the RGB format. The picker works just fine, but only renders in the RGB format. Is there a way to output the color code in hex format in the…

Cannot access blocks to edit

I have been using Concrete5 for a couple years. I decided to move a site from ipage to arvixe and decided to try 5.7. It looks good. I can get to the site. I can click on edit page and it turns green, and then I cannot access any block on the page. …

Converting an HTML Template to a Concrete5 Theme

I was following Andrew's tutorial on converting a theme until I got to "Then go to the home page. It's blank – because we haven't created any templates." Blank screen ok, but try to get back to the dashboard.. " not " .. I tried everything.. Short of de…


Okay, so AdoDB is not used anymore (Whyyyyy? Why in gods name????). While GetAll and a few other AdoDB calls seem still to work others don't. What's the simple equivalent now to "CacheGetAll"?

Mysql 5.6 breaks on keys

Just an FYI I just upgraded my mysql to 5.6, and now everything breaks on messages like [code] An exception occurred while executing 'insert into WorkflowProgress (wfID, wrID, wpDateAdded, wpCategoryID) values (?, ?, ?, ?)' with params [0, "2", "…

Deep Linking /w Login

I'm trying to setup a password protected section of my site using permissions. Setup is no trouble but linking to a page in the protected section when not logged in is not redirecting back to the page after successfully logging in. Instead, I'm being redi…

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