
Concrete5 as Rss Aggregator

Hi, I have built two web RSS aggregators (polish) with C5. Welcome to my new websites:

How to load js/css file in external_form

Hello, I'm making my original form by using external_form blocks. I need to include js/css files ( put in /var/www/mysite/public_html/concrete5/concrete/blocks/external_form/forms/controllers ). But I couldn't find the way to include these my j…

It's alive!

Just wanted to post for everyone to checkout the website I've built with C5: Just published it today. I work for em :-)

Form submission email

Does anyone know where I can customize the email that is sent when someone submits a form? I've checked the DB and form block already... did I overlook it?

yay, some news...

(from our blog) Yay! Bunch of concrete5 news.. by Franz 5.2 has been officially released, no more “release candidate.” We’ve landed two large projects that will improve concrete5 in dramatic ways. First, we’re helping a very excellent cr...

Why screencasts for tutorials?

Howdy. I noticed an old post talking about paying a bounty for 'screencast' tutorials. I know everyone will laugh at this one, but do you realize there are MILLIONS of people in the US who do not have high speed internet available? [Sure, I can have satel…

cloud computing

or do we only need a browser as OS in the future? ;)

Site path and Images

Ok, Spent most of day implementing my first C5 site. So far so good. A couple of questions. 1/ I have installed C5 under as a test What do I need to change when I am ready to go live with the site and for it to work properly under…

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