Developing (v7+)

Password Rest Error

I am having an issue with the forget password functionality. For certain users, the link is not working and providing the following error: Invalid Key. Please visit the forgot password page again to have a new key generated For most other users, th…

Single Page multi-step form as an overlay?

I'm planning to use a Single Page to build a multi-step form using the C5 form helper. I'm getting a requirement from our design department to create this form as an overlay. 1)Is that possible? If so, in your opinion what would be the best way to …

Not able to login?

I just got going. I can now access /index.php/login but it just sits and spins, trying to login, when it finally processes it just kicks me to the homepage, no edit bar or anything. I can go to /index.php/dashboard and login there, but that doesn't seem t…

Concrete5 on iPower

Trying to transfer a client site to their iPower account. here is the test URL: As you can see, the hompage loads, but its god awful slow. Clicking on any secondar page results in "No Input File Specified" The support I r…

Detecting what is causing slowness of website

I have a C5 site that is very slow. Slowness started during development. First I thought it was some issue with my local machine or Apache installation but after uploading the website to the webserver the site still was very slow. The network tab of Chrom…

Custom TinyMCE Options per User Group

I would like editors to a site I'm designing to have a very restrictive set of options in TinyMCE editor. I have it set up nicely using "System settings > Rich Text Editor" selecting custom setup and removing the options I wanted to restrict. However …

Cannot change home page properties

For quite some time now I have been having an issue on a customer site whereby they cannot update the page properties on the site homepage. I have visited almost every forum thread imaginable but still not got a working fix. I have tried the fix in th…

Replacing files in the file manager

To replace in the file manager is great however... I have a load of PDF's that I have uploaded to the site and when I want to update I simply replace the files. However I have a load of hardcoded links that reference the files and even when you repl…

Form field id problem

Hello, I'm using C5 standard form widget to have form fields like this: [code] [/code] As you can see the name of the field contains "[]" as this field will appear multiple times. The problem is that C5 automatically uses the name of the fiel…

removing site name from logo area

Howdy! I've looked all over and can't seem to find out how to remove the little link/site name at the top of my new site... any help? Thanks!

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