Developing (v7+)

Problem with Concrete5 upgrade

I recently upgraded my website to version 5.5.2. However, my project is still listed as version 5.4.2. As a result I cannot connect to the community from my dashboard, and I can't add any additional themes or add-ons. I'm afraid to upgrade to version 5…

Where to put javascript for a theme

This is a two part question actually: 1. Where do I put the javascript for a theme I am building? Do I put in the the "js" folder or in a "js" folder I create **inside** of my theme folder? 2. Is there a special way to reference / link to my javscri…

How do I stop pagelist adding a trailing slash to my urls?

For SEO purposes I wish to create a custom template for the pagelist that generates the urls without a trailing slash. A similar problem with autonav was kindly solved by jordanlev using rtrim.…

list chils in sitemap order

I have child lists for my site using: $parent = Page::getByID($parentID); $pageArray = $parent->getCollectionChildrenArray(true); But $pageArray is not in sitemap order, How can i achieve this?

Creating a user specific, editable area with a savable form.

Hello All, First, thank you to all who have helped me up until now. I'm kinda at an impasse with setting up the next area of my site. It is a health and fitness site, and I would like to include an area where members can log in and view their persona…

Auto-nav menus different

I am building a site for someone but the 'Home' auto-nav looks different from the rest and I can't see why. I want the look of the subsequent menus, not the Home one. HOME: DESIRED LOOK…


hi, my server has just been hacked shortly after installing c5 for the first time (a number of index pages were uploaded to domains on the server), we're still trying to find the cause of the issue. i was wondering if the following exploit applies to 5…

Update info under "Users"

Shouldn't you use [code]$u->checkLogin()[/code] under "If a user is logged in do something" instead of [code]$u->isRegistered()[/code] as per…

Adding Javascript outside of the concrete folder

I have a "controller" in my controllers folder (outside of concrete5 folder. Just the normal, default empty controllers folder). When I include this in my view method: [code] $this->addHeaderItem(Loader::helper('html')->javascript('event.js')); […

How to save a custom attribute that is a type == date

When I try to save a date/time attribute by writing: [code] $date_key = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle('event_date_time'); $date_key->saveAttributeForm($p); [/code] $p is the page. $p works when I save other attributes (i.e. text) just not t…

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