Developing (v7+)

Hardcode a custom contact form

Basically like the title says, I have a contact form that I need to have appear on most of my site's pages. I'm trying to get it hardcoded into one of the page types. I've been able to get the "autonav" block implemented in the past after wrestling wi…

Jquery help show hide a caption

Hey all. Im making a project were i need to show and hide caption using hover. When i hover the image i need the caption to show and when i dont it should dissappear. Let me just say im kinda new with jquery but i got this working - but my problem now …

How to check if user is in edit mode

Hello there! I wish to a very simply task, but I couldn't find a similar topic even. So, how can I check if the user is in edit mode? I would like to include a different stylesheet if a page is viewed in edit mode. Thanks in advance!

installer.php / Group:add....

Need to create a group, a user and insert the user in the group. Worked all flawless in 5.4.2 in the installer.php, but in 5.5 it doesn't. [code] Loader::model("groups"); $g4 = Group::add(t("Editors"), ""); [/code] Gives me now the mysql e…

Find IDs of all layouts in page object (Layout tool)

I am very close to make all layouts created wit layout tool to become responsive capable. I can make it with one layout in one area, but cant with more layouts. Need to know how to grad all the layout ids in a page. Is this possible at all?

Help, what kind of error is this?

Hello all. I've installed a new site (5.5) and it's showing errors all over it. It's been installed on a Linux server which uses Plesk (php5.2.4/Ubuntu5.14). I've installed it on another Linux server and it works fine. Here's the error message: Warning…

Internal 500 errors - 512mb not enough!!

Hi, I'm getting constant internal 500 errors and the CSS files don't load at times so the site looks like a mess. I've spoken to our host and they changed to CloudLinux back in February and ever since we've been having this issue, but we only discovere…

Greek Yogurt Layout

Hi, Trying to recreate a page I made in another theme that allowed one column, or a right or left sidebar. In, Greek Yogurt it seems to only have the two column, right sidebar layout. How can I add the slideshow above?

Style Individual Product Attributes

I have used C5 for a while now and have built a few C5 eCommerce stores as well, but I am running into a problem that I need some help with. I need to be able to style each product attribute individually. The store I'm working on is for a pharmacy, and…

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