Developing (v7+)

Class 'MarketplaceRemoteItem' not found

Following an upgrade to 5.5 I'm getting the following error when clicking the 'Update Add-ons' button in the Add Functionality window: PHP Fatal error: Class 'MarketplaceRemoteItem' not found in /www/…

Edit Page in Dashboard News (version 5.5)

We are using 5.5. We're wondering what the whole "Edit Page" thing is on the Dashboard News section. How do I edit these blocks? What is my Clipboard? Can I add my own news into these areas? The URL for this section would be "…

Form Manipulation

Hi, I created a form at And though there are many fields to choose from, I chose to use "text field", "email address" and "text area". I see no way to change the WIDTH of the first 2 - "text field" and "ema…

Mystery block error after upgrading to 5.5

In the 'homepage' page type I have: [code] [/code] which when the render() is called generates this error: "PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getBlockTypeID() on a non-object in www/…

Fonts for Greek Yogurt

I changed themes from the default to Greek Yogurt, (thanks to wagdi btw) Seems all fonts are now Times New Roman, but I want them all to be cooler, like either Arial or Verdana. This is probably a css issue. I am still pretty new to all this css bu…

Slide Show Size

Hi, I have a bunch of photos for a slide show, and my client would like them all to be about 25% smaller. Isn't there a freebie that will do this?

Power Slider Lite

Hello, In the home stretch of my first C5 site. Installed the "Power Slider Lite" add-on, and there are 3 things that just ain't working. Would post on the author's support page, but since I tried to do this effect by installing a similar .js, not…

Two column custom block

I would like to have a custom block that allows the client to add in one column an image using a lightbox addon and in the other column having a wsywig editor to enter text. I have tried Designer Content, which didn't work and also tried to set up the pag…

File downloads broken in 5.5

Hey, File downloads do not work in 5.5. This problem exists on four different websites, some new with 5.5 and some upgraded from an earlier version. These are on CentOS, Ubuntu and MacOS X servers. What happens is, you click to download, and the downl…

MySQL/ADODB case sensitivity

I'm scripting out building some pages, and I'm seeing some inconsistent behavior which I'm having a hard time tracking down. For example, in one of my scripts while calling $page->addBlock I'm getting a failure on what is evidently a case sensitivity issu…

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