Developing (v7+)

Stack Spacing

Hi All I am loving the new stacks, great idea and I have not lost my beloved scrapbook or a stack of one as they now are. My question is this: I have a stack that I want to add to a sidebar on multiple pages that has four blocks in it. I want to ad…

How to integrate vBulletin - WORKED IT OUT, PLS IGNORE

Hi..Apologies that this question has likely been asked multiple times before, but have not found the answer on searching. Am not a developer, but reasonably tech savvy (although this may prove otherwise). I have implemented concrete5 successfully (htt…

Hooking block add/edit form to add option to all blocks

Hi, I'm fairly new to developing in concrete5 (working on first site with it at the moment) and have been searching for a method to hook into the add/edit block form creation in order to add a custom option (language selection) to all blocks. The idea …

Search limits based on page size

I have a page in my site with a very large content block. I noticed that Search was not finding some of the text in the page. After a lot of trial and error I discovered that anything beyond a certain line of text in the content block, the Search function…

Before Session Start

Hi all, quick question, I have a script (class) that needs to be initialized before session start, is there a way to do this using the API? It is a helper file.

Cache needs to be OFF for eCommerce?

We just got a report that a user was not able to checkout because items they added to the cart were different when they tried to check out. I reproduced the problem and fixed it by TURNING OFF THE CACHE sitewide. It seems the cart was being cached. …

What changes required to blocks for 5.5

I've seen that "not all blocks have been upgraded to 5.5" on the download page - however I cant seem to find any documentation on what changes actually required. My block ( seems to work ok - except when f…

Reset page permissions?

Is there a magic method to reset all page permissions to their defaults in c5? I've inherited a site built by a client (badly) and I need to restore permissions on all pages to their defaults. The site is set up to use advanced permissions. Running 5.…

Block on mutiple pages

I have created a blocktype where i can add an infinite amount of items to each block instance. But now i want to display the latest item from a block instance on another page. How can I do this?

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