Developing (v7+)

Very odd issue - very urgent response needed please

Hi Guys Not experienced this before using concrete (and used it on about ten sites thus far). For reasons i absolutely cannot explain the cms has suddenly started to freeze when i click a button like "edit page" for instance and nothing will happen unl…

Additional/Custom CSS on Block add.php

Howdy, I am building a custom block, and haven't figured out just how to implement my own css into the block's add.php popup window. I have javascript functioning properly in the popup window (being in a js directory of my block), but the styling of my…

How would you design a bookshop site?

Hi guys, I ask because I'm used to pulling data from a database using query string and allowing users to input search parameters via an input box or href with a query string. Have any of you ever designed sites where they have a large amount of product…

Having control over different page styles

I was asked if a bar could be put across the index page as a background but only on the index page. The bar was simple enough, just use a css background image to the body with a repeat x. The fun was keeping it on only one page. The solution... [code]…

Showing month name in another language?

Hi guys, I'm struggling with this: I have installed the Pro Events blog, which works fine. But as my website is in Danish, I would like it to show the months and weekday names in Danish instead of English. However, no matter what I do, it keeps show…

launch one video in new small window fro image slider

I am not sure if this is a video question or a popup window question or an image slider question. I want to put an entry in my homepage image slider (which gives me no options except a URL to go to) that launches a new window (of specified size), in wh…

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