Developing (v7+)

Updated dashboard menu - looking for feedback!

Because of my own neuroses, I really felt that I was wasting time clicking through to second-tier pages within the dashboard when I knew precisely where I wanted to go. And thus, the dashboard quick nav was born! I just added a few lines of code to gen…

Hide a block

How can I hide a block from a page using functions and without touching permissions? Why I can't find anything about this? I tried with 'activate'/'deactivate' but they don't work. That is, because an user has the permissions access to all blocks in the …

Using data from form block to populate fields in a pdf

I would like to be able to use data from concrete5's form block to populate fields in a pre-designed pdf file. And it would be even better if the pdf could then be emailed upon form submission. Does anyone have experience or advice on how to achieve th…

No alternative syntax for PHP control structures in Add On's??

I am completing some work on some Add On's that I may want to make available here and out of a desire to make Add On's just the way Concrete5 wants them, I was reviewing some documentation on Coding Guidelines (…

commerce - default country and language changes?

Hi, I have a core commerce install on my c5 site which is 5.4.2. I am wondering how i can change on the billing and shipping information the following: - Change the wording 'State / Province' to 'County' ? - Set the default 'State/Provinces' to be …

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