Developing (v7+)

User specific Subdomain Support

Hey...Does anyone know about how the concrete5 supports like user specific subdomain creation and maintenance? or would anyone suggest to go with concrete5 for such kind of application(which needs to creates user specific subdomain and also needs to let t…

View.php problem (need 2 different view.php files)

I have a Members Only section which has a completely different menu from my main site. The Members Only section uses the Discussion add-on which utilizes view.php and was therefore grabbing the wrong menu. I was able to fix this by copying discussion.php …


Hello all! I am working on building my first website. I need to and will be reading up more on HTML CSS. I am using Bluehost as my hosting/domain manager. I am using the Dark Chocolate theme with a right sidebar. I want to adjust the width of the sid…

Is there an "Upload Button" add-on?

Is there an add-on within Concrete5 that would create an upload button (for multiple files)? I cannot seem to find an addon that achieves this, so I was just wondering if there was one available.

How do you extend block capability to include thumbnails?

I've had good luck so far writing (adapting, actually) my own simple blocks, but they've been limited to written information. Things like "name, price, description" in a restaurant menu. But how do you add the capability to include a thumbnail image? S…

When was an Attribute set?

Is there any way of, given an attribute for an object, determining when the attribute was set or last changed?

TinyMCE Paragraph Selector is Offset Incorrectly

Has anyone else experienced the paragraph submenu in the TinyMCE editor is offset in the vertical direction when you've scrolled down on the page? It appears below where it should. Looks like it's fixed positioned, which I don't think can work if you're…

My pages wont link together - unabale to load sitemap data

Hi I have built a very simple website - home page with 4 sibling pages. I have attempted to link the pages through the add link to page button yet it can't recognise the web page. I tries creating them directly on the dash board though i still cant lin…

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