Developing (v7+)

Set custom template

I want to specify a block template in an area within my theme. I know I can do this like so: $a->setCustomTemplate('block_type', 'template_name.php'); This works when the file is located in /blocks/block_type/templates/template_name.php but what if t…

adding a custom attribute to a custom template to use with autonav

Hi, I have a site with the autonav menu at the top displaying certain pages, but others i have 'exclude from nav' checked. I also have an accordion menu running from an autonav but i want to create a custom attribute which will cause this to display…

Using Header & Footer in root folder, but Concrete5 in subfolder

Hi all, I need some help here. If I'm building a large website and I want to install CMS in but the header and footer of the website will be built separately using SSI and incorporated into the other parts of the we…

Auto Nav- need to link to an uploaded file

Hi all, I was wondering, dose anyone know how a user can easily add a link for a file that they uploaded in the file manager to the Auto navigation? I am looking for something simple, maybe someone knows of a plug-in that can do this? A suggestion I…

slideshow image links

Hi, I have set up a slideshow showing several promotional banners on a page. Is there anyway to make the images link to a specific URL and not to the image itself? thanks!

changing images automatically

Hi, My client asked me to add a changing banner image, ie a diferent image changing automatically. I have searched around and im shure its quite simple but I haven't been able to figure it out yet, could anybody point me in the right direction?

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