Developing (v7+)

Catching urls with a controller

Hi all, Is it possible to 'catch' urls with a controller? Lets say I have this url: /something/somethingmore/ But there is no page called somethingmore. It's a page I want to create dynamically. So I would like a controller to be called when t…

SQL Database - Case Sensitive and Insensitive

Hi, I have built a site locally using XAMPP and concrete5 (on Windows) I am now trying to upload my completed site to the production environment but everytime I try, I get Fatal Exception errors when it is trying to use the database that I exported fro…

Hard coding autonav wont pick up custom template

I'm trying to hardcode an autonav to my site for the main menu. I have a custom template for the menu, however when I specify the template to be rendered, it doesn't pick it up. This is the code I have: [code]$bt = BlockType::getByHandle('autonav…

place new member into groups during registration

Hi, I really need to know how to do this. I had a read of this page and the linked page…

installing a bank gateway or using credit cards.

SOS. trying to build my own web site from the tutorials on Blue host. I have installed an ecommerence add on and I have the code number for my bank gateway. I don't know where to enter the Gate way code number to make it all come together

Area Permissions Layout Problem

Hello, I have a problem in that some of my block names are too big to display in the area permissions dialog. How can I correct this? I have attached a screenshot of what is happening. Thanks, Andrew

Auto Nav

Is there a way to put a in a certain auto nav name?

Auto-Nav header menu links

If I create an auto-nav in any format but "header menu", all of the links work. If I use "header menu", all of the links take me to ""... there are no full URLS when you hover over them in IE. For example, if the menu reads: Home …

Areas not working on new page type

Hello I have made a new page type (handle: 'page_two'), and when editing defaults for the page all my areas show up fine, but when I create a new page with the design 'page_two' none of my custom areas show up except for those area names that are also …

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