Developing (v7+)

Change E-mail Over

Hi All, Right, I have built the site and the client is happy. He has tested the e-mail form and it goes to his inbox, but is titled with my e-mail address as I am the admin. How do I hand the project over to him so that his email will appear i…

Pronews, change date to UK format

Hi I have asked this in the Pronews support section but my client is wanting this doing asap so thought i'd ask here... I need to change the news date format to UK, so it displays as 05 July, 2011. After lookng through the forums I thought i'd found…

Admin permission on page permissions?

Hi folks I'm using advanced permissions. When I add a new user group I can tick Read, Versions, Write, Approve etc - what exactly does the "Admin" option do? Thanks

Cart Error - ECommerce add on

Hi there, I've run into a problem. When I click "view cart" from the cart links block it gives me this in the pop-up window: Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Array' …

Expand content with "Read more" link on bottom

I'm still finding my way around in this clever cms, but my searches so far have not been able to explain me how to do the following. I would like to have long articles show just the first paragraph of the text, followed by a "Read more" link, but when …

radio buttons with images

I'm in over my head coding! Basically I'm trying to create a simple form that allows you to send an html email to a friend, trying to hack the "Tell a Friend" addon. What I want to do is include radio buttons on the form with 3 or 4 images the user can …

Adding Video As Page Attribute Type

I want to set up a theme that will include video, either from vimeo or youtube. I want to create a page type and add a custom attribute to this page type for video. I have done this for images but don't see how to do this for streaming video. It might eve…

LATEST NEWS module tweak on dashboard

Hi guys, I was just wondering if there is a way to change the news that are showed on the LATEST NEWS block on dashboard. Lets suppose that I want to show my own news to my C5 clients, maybe with an RSS feed or something. Is this possible?! If so, how?…

Navigation not showing on certain pages.

Still wrapping my head around how things are done in Concrete5. I'm turning a design into a theme. On pages which are constructed with "view.php" the main navigation doesn't show, pages like blog search and blog posts (blogga). Without view.php tho…

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