Developing (v7+)

Debugging block installation

Hi I have written a plug-in based on an existing block - this new block fails to install despite a success message being displayed. How can I debug this install and get some sort of feedback from Concrete5? Thanks, Jake

Custom Block Data Write Issues

Hi Gang I am writing a custom block which is based on the standard google_map block it installs fine however it does not commit the changes to the database I have attached the code can any one suggest what the issue may be? Cheers Justin

Problog category issue

Hello everyone, I just purchased the Problog. I like the category filtering, but if I chooce one of the categories nothing happens. I have been modifying these lines of code, but without luck. [code] if(!empty($cats)){ $catCount = array_cou…

Simple javascript problems

I'm sure there's a much more elegant way of doing this but I'm on a tight deadline and probably just need someone else to take a look at this point. (So I appreciate help in advance). I made a side navigation that changes the background image in anothe…

concrete5 now available on the Windows Web Gallery

One of our 2011 goals has been greater available everywhere, including official support for hosting on Windows (in IIS). It's with that in mind that I want to announce that concrete5 is now available via Microsoft's Web Platform Gallery. http://www.mic…

Feature Request: Block options for drop-down editing menu

Hello, I've been developing with C5 for about a year now, and this is something that I think would save a lot of time. I think it would be nice to have the ability to put some specific block options in the drop-down editing menu. 90% of the time, my us…

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