Developing (v7+)

Easy question....

.. but I'm a novice so I must ask anyway. On the original theme I have a menu. I wanted to add a new menu option 'Contact' that opens a new page to that menu bar. How do I do that?

How to set css to default contatct form

hi all, i install concrete5 and there is built in contact form. , but i dont know, how to set css style to default contact form. i just want to set border:0px to each input type, where & what the heck the file i must modify.. thanks.

Combining Guestbook and custom block based on Slideshow

For a photographer's website I've been working on, I need to combine guestbook functionality with a custom photo gallery block I've built based on the slideshow block. (It basically changes the way that slideshow displays to make it look and feel like Gal…

Custom Attributes – maybe a small job$$

Hi, I need to create some custom attributes a lot of which are based upon the checkbox type. However in root/concrete/models/attribute/types I can't see a checkbox folder to use to base my custom attribute on. I am using Andrews tutorial based on…

Custom Attributes

Hi, I need to create some custom attributes a lot of which are based upon the checkbox type. However in root/concrete/models/attribute/types I can't see a checkbox folder to use to base my custom attribute on. I am using Andrews tutorial based on…

Overlay Size for Custom Block

Hi just a short question: Where do a chnge the size the overlay of a block. I tried the "BlockTypes" in the DB but it didn't change anything. Thanks a lot. Philipp

Styling the profile edit form

Hi all I@m trying to style the profile edit form to look better in ie7 (the pile of sh*t won't accept CSS styling of form elements so I have to edit the form code directly). I can't find where the code lives though, or what functions it is generated…

AJAX in combination with captcha

Hello! My problem seems to be simple: I use a form (containing a captcha) which is submitted asynchronously using ajax. An AJAX delivers the form's contents to a controller method. Captcha validation does obviously not work now, just take a look at …

Developing an Dashboard Addon

I have an idea for a dashboard addon. Problem is that I cannot find any documents how to begin this. So I request that someone would post some guidelines or an article how to start developing... I'm sorry if this topic is not a new, but I didn't find a…

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