Developing (v7+)

Database Module?

Howdy, I'm thinking about converting my wife's small business website (Dance Studios) from Joomla to Concrete5. I need to present class schedules with the ability to limit by a few attributes (day, classtype, location, etc.) I'm currently using a Jooml…

date nav error

c5 5.3.2 i was able to add the block in the functionality area. its says/shows its installed. then when i go to add it on a page it gives me a big ol' error "an unexpected error occurred" then "mysql error: [1064 you have an error in your sql syntax…

Using images in a block that were uploaded in File Manager

Hi all, I am trying to find an example of using images that have been uploaded in the File Manager of c5 in my own custom block. Essentially, I am creating a listing block that is stored in a db table, I would like to associate an image with each en…

core commerce error

Hello Anyone, Just purchased the C5 eCommerce package. Just wondered why I can't check out? Throws big error about view.php? Also why is there not a check out button on the page? Have I done something wrong? Looking forward a reply! Ch…

Poor-man's web service in C5?

I'm VERY new to Concrete5. I'm trying to figure out how to implement a simple service that uses regular old HTTP GET or POST to invoke a method on a controller. There needn't be a view in this case, since no actual page is being constructed, as long as …

out of memory failure on upgrading 5.3.2 to

when i go to the upgrade page and click the "Upgrade>" button I receive the following response after about 20 seconds: Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 30408704) (tried to allocate 8192 bytes) in /homepages/19/d274502062/htdocs/pack243-net/concret…

Appending full URL to CSS background path

In, all paths for background images inside CSS have the full URL appended before the CSS is delivered to the browser (this happens behind the scenes). This is great, unless I want to use a CDN for the images. If my CSS is as follows: backgroun…

Page_List second level ?

Is there a way to make PAGE_LIST list pages under more then +1 level ? It seem to display only one level under but not my second levels pages. Thank you


what's the trick to getting mysql_num_rows to work with how C5 handles db ? is there already a C5 function for that? C

Display the 2nd-level page Name

As one of the titles on the site, I'd like to display the 2nd-level title. This means anything in the level underneath the root-level (home). Say this is the current site map: Home - About -- Company Profile - Products - Contact E.G I want…

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