Developing (v7+)

How do you change the session lifetime

V8.4.2+ Found lots of partial and half responses to things about sessions but nothing clear and definitive. Where do you set the session lifetime? I want to set it to 15 minutes. Also why is this not an option under login/registration settings in…

Blank error popup

Hi, my site has suddenly started to throw empty error popup every time i try to save or alter blocks. As soon as i press Save on content block for example it shows error popup. Content is actually saved but to see changes i need to reload page. It see…

Region Development

I want specific regions on my site so that I can easily target other audience. I want separate regions for each country like US, AU, IE and more. Can anyone help me how to create regions on website?

Users as Express Objects

Greetings everyone. I’m coming back to C5 after a fairly long hiatus and I’m trying to get some “Zen” with Express in preparation for a big project. I’ve read all the documentation and watched all of Andrew’s videos on Express (several times) and I thin…

Marketplace interaction with attributes

I'm looking to have data stored from marketplace purchases. Specifically, when a users buys a particular item, or multiple copies of this item, I want to increment an attribute by the number of the item purchased. Does anyone know if this is possible,…

8.4.2: how to save block entity in doctrine

I need to keep track of blocks used in my package and save them in a table created by my package's doctrine. The problem is if the block is edited and saved it gets a new id. How can I keep track of the block and have it updated automatically if it cha…

8.4.2: is there better way of getting searchable content?

At the moment I get searchable content in a block with the following: [code] public function getSearchableContent() { $content = ''; $page = $this->getCollectionObject(); if (!$page->isError()) { $cid = $page->getCollectionID();…

Upgrade from 8.3.2 to 8.5.2 fails using CLI

Firstly the CLI must be used as PHP 7.3 isn't supported by 8.3.2 (get the continue/break fatal error with V7.3) so to upgrade is being done following the CLI instructions at…

Custom Template for Form Output of Page Type

Hello all, I am having a hard time getting a custom template for the File block to show up in the Compose Form area of a my Page Type (see image attachment). I see there is an option to use a custom template in the modal, but I don't know where the act…

Empty error after saving block

I'm getting a blank error when saving a block on a website using the last version of concrete5. I only get this error on Chrome (83.0.4103.61). In Safari and Firefox there are no errors. Any Idea what the problem could be?

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