Developing (v7+)

Error after login with Safari

Hi! I'm new with Concrete5 and created my first website with Concree5 v. 5.7 and the Stucco theme. The website is for the choir I sing in, and contains written music scores that I have protected with a userid/password. Login works for all users except…

Deleted addon before removing blocks

I did something incredibly stupid this morning. I have quite a few page types that I customized by adding a couple of block. Since I don't need the addons anymore, I uninstalled and deleted the addons before I removed the blocks on the page types. Now I g…

Responsive Vertical Timeline

Hello, How can i integrate the following timeline in our of my pages of a concrete 5.7 website? Or do we have an existing add on that achieves the same? looking forward!

User permission issue

Whenever a user try to duplicate or move a page this message appears 'Your copy operation will only affect the current page - not any children.' However user is assigned in Administrator role. Only Super user has 'Copy page+Children' option. Can anyon…

30 pixel space at the top of my home page.

What could be causing the page view port start 30 pixels down from the start of the web page. I have eliminated all possible causes from my theme header.php and it still won't possession the view at the top of the page. header-top.php [code]

Still cannot get 5.7 to load a background image from a CSS file.

My CSS file loads in the page header properly. Firebug shows "background-image: url(images/background.jpg);" but Firefox or Chrome will not load it from my CSS file. If I add this this directly to the tag in my header file, it will then load. What am …

Fatal error: Class 'Log' not found

I have had this little nonprofit site for well over two years. All of a sudden when someone fills out a form, it is supposed to re-direct to a payment page and instead I get this: Fatal error: Class 'Log' not found What has changed. Does anyone know…

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