Developing (v7+)

Members page disappeared from Nav

Our site structure has a page called "Members" where the public can learn about Membership, and Members can learn about upcoming meetings and read newsletters. So this page should always be visible. I have been using C5 for several years and this page …

Core Commerce eCommerce Challenge / Help Request

Using Core Commerce (so on 5.6.33)... What I'm looking into doing is this. On a product page, as part of the "Add to Cart" area, to show Related Accessory Products. So they are "Accessories" for a given product (but may also be for other products too).…

Page type controller not loaded --

Hey there, I created a custom page type: Home. Whatever I do, the corresponding controller doesn't seem to be loading. [code] // {C5ROOT}/packages/mentor/controllers/page_types/home.php

C5.7 Getting page attribute in template

Hi! I have added a page attribute "slideshow" to C5. This attribute is now included (checked) in all my pages where a slideshow should show up at the top of the page. I´m calling this slideshow from javascript so I need to identify on which page the attri…

why the hello_world block doesn't work?

I just unzip the from documentation and put it into application/blocks/.And then is was successfully installed.but when I drag it into pages,there was nothing happen... Environment : wamp 2.5 concrete5.7.4.2

Captcha Concrete 5.7

Hi, I can't figure out how to make default captcha numbers only instead of alphanum. Client does not want garbled text. Is it possible in Concrete 5.7. I've looked at concrete/src/Captcha but there was no comment to get me started if I needed to mod…

Goal Progress addon - making vertical

I am using the Goal Progress addon but would like to make it a 200px wide progress bar that diminishes rather than expands - my client wants to monitor the removal of Nitrogen from a lake. Do I mess with the js file? Or create another css file and lin…

Putting countdown on page

I have a javascript-based countdown I want to use on a page. But the script I need to put on the page gets 'wiped' by c5. [code] var test1 = new Countdown({ year : 2020, month : 1, …

Manually uploading add-on

I have read all the responses to manually uploading an add-on. For some reason the add-on I picked is not automatically coming over to my Dashboard to be used on my webpage. So, I am willing to try and manually upload it. However, each of the instructions…

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