Developing (v7+)


Hi all, I am attempting to get a new font installed in the editor. I have followed Brad at Growcurves suggestion to the letter. Generated the webfont files, edited the CSS, added the font to customize the editor, etc. I still am unable to get prime li…

Global Bootstrap Navigation

Hi everyone I am currently concretizing a bootstrap theme for - I have hardcoded the nav (because I don't want my customer to mess around with global areas) within the template. The code is below. Now I run into issues whenever a parent page h…

Public Profile and Attributes

Hi, I'm using C5.6.3.3 It seems that the only attributes you can create for profiles are: - Text - Text Area - Ceckbox - Date/Time - Number - Select - Address However, I wish to have an attribute that allows Images, video's, or HTML. etc How …

Concrete 5.7 addon development

I want to create an addon for concrete 5.7. Where there will be two views for adding texts. For this in main controller I have witten $page1 = SinglePage::add('/dashboard/my_custom_texts', $pkg); $page1->updateCollectionName(t('My custom List')); …

Call to a member function xpath() on a non-object

Hello, When I load a certain block into a page type and then try to view the page type via Edit Defaults I get "Call to a member function xpath() on a non-object". However, I can still see the output of the block on the child pages fine. I think the…

Bootstrap collapose, dropdown, clicks and hovers

I have seen many implementations of bootstrap drop downs and collapsible elements. By default it is usually a click action, sometimes a hover on the desktop activates the drop down and a click on mobile devices does it. Sometimes a double click is needed… - How to find things? - Files/Images

This is a bit of a different question. Basically it's very time consuming and annoying for me trying to find out how to do things in 5.7. There was much more documentation in 5.6 and I could get around stuff. But in 5.7 it's really hard to find some basic…

Remove old page versions Job

Hello, After running the remove old page versions job. The job keeps running for hours / days(does not seem to stop). This problem is occurring on Concrete and on There are no erros in the Concrete logbook. How can I get this workin…

Changing Single Page URLS with Fixed controllers

A Client has asked about SEO changes and wants to change the URL of single pages that have been added through a package / single page controller. Unlike a normal page, you cannot add a canonical URL to it. What is the process to change the URL. D…

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