Developing (v7+)

Adding Members with certain attributes to User Groups

Hi Everyone, When Members join my site they specify a musical instrument that they own: This applies an attribute to the Member. I implemented this knowing that it would be very useful later but I nee…

Private Messaging in

I can not figure out how to enable my users and admins to "compose a new message". I have the public profile enabled, account and everything is showing up, the "able to receive message" is checked, I have no idea how to enable it.. Can someone help me?

My Custom Block Isn't working

So this is the first time I'm using Concrete5.7, I used an older verison on other websites. This is a fresh install in Concerete5.7. I've tried creating my own Custom Block called CorporateEmployee (the folder in applications/blocks/ is called corpo…

Editing layout

Hi guys Very new to C5 and not a coder so bear with me. I am using the excellent Plain theme from C5 Webdesign, but am stuck on the fixed block sizes in the layout. I would like to like to have the site name at (1) in the attached image, but the blo…

Showing blog post content rather than description C5.7

Hey Iv new to C5 but am so far liking what it is capable of. There is one issue however that i cannot seem to resolve, despite the hours of googling and reading through similar issues. Basically i have a blog set up, no issue there, what i am wantin…

Passing variables to view.js from view.php

Hello all, I have a simple block that displays a video with a thumbnail. Everything works fine. But due to the way the vimeo player does not respect the css (i.e. youtube player does not autoplay when display=none, vimeo play does, and that is a proble…

Concrete Theme Issues

Hi folks, I just moved my Concrete5 site over from a test server to the live server. However, now I am having problems adding pages. When I click "add page" I get the following error: An unexpected error occurred. Call to a member function setPage…

Page with multiple articles (summary)

Hi, I recently started converting my design to a Concrete5 site. My question: how do i make a page like this work? See this image: So this is a page that gives you a summary of all the articles, see the navigation element bel…

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