Developing (v7+)

Exporting website content

I've searched and have seen other inquiries on this topic but no real answer ... We are sending our website out to get translated by a translation company. They said we could give them xml or xls files of our content. Is there a way to export content f…

If "getCollectionAttributeValue" empty then..

Hello, I use composer to write news articles and using some custom attributes. The template page looks like this: [code] ... code ... Brand: Type: etc... (few more attributes) ... code ... [/code] It all works fine, but now I like the ListI…

Using FormHelper

I am running version I want to create a form to interact with database tables I have created manually. The existing documentation on the concrete5 formhelper is sorely lacking.…

500 Internal Server Error Started building a website some months ago... but didn't finish because the client put it on the back burner. Anyway, now client is ready to move forward again, but I'm getting a 500 Internal Server Error. I can see…

How to include header on all pages?

Hi :-) I'm wondering how I can include one file, or have an editable area that is the same for all pages? I kind of made it happen, but then I couldn't add logo(unless I hardcoded it, like in the codeblock below. [code] My Logo …

Animation positioning

Hi guys, I’m building this responsive site (concrete5 + bootstrap3 theme) with animation on its first block. –> I made this animation with Animatron and i placed its code in header image block. My problem is that animation goes to …

Moving site up one folder on same server

Could anyone tell me if the information on the following page is applicable to I would like to leave the index page that is already in the public folder and just move everything from the new/ folder up to public/ once we're done building the site…

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