Developing (v7+)

Filtering Files by Page

Hi, Does anyone know of a method in which you can get a list of files that are currently used (linked to) on a page? My aim is to build upon the file download statistics so that users can filter the statistics by a collection ID so that they can wor…

Concrete5 $db returns error after mysql_fetch_array

Here is my code to retrieve database values: [code] $db = Loader::db(); $db->Execute("SELECT * FROM btAddText"); $massive = mysql_fetch_array($db); [/code] but I get error "mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resou…

Help me find some information about certain concrete5 syntax

Hello, I'm new to concrete5 and I want to ask you for help to find resources to learn certain things. I googled but only found some descriptions which wasn't really what I was looking for. Here is what I'm looking: 1. Could you send me some links where…

using pretty urls not on pages

I want to build a c5 ecommerce plugin that the products are not based on pages (because frankly c5 is not good for ecommerce as of now) I would like to render a product on a theme page but use a different url for each product. (Instead of having lets sa…

Archive Page lists in 6 monthly blocks.

A client needs an unusual format for showing their News Archive pages. They need to be able to return lists of pages, grouped by 'Public date/time' into 6 month blocks - So - they require a list of links in their sidebar like this: Archive: Jul - D…

Addon development

Hello all, i am preparing a addon for submit it to marketplace...but in blocks edit.php file does not shows selected value from database...because of $this->inc... if i use include instead of $this->inc then its works fine... i can't understand the…

Default Email Address - Define in site.php not working

I have made a few sites & up until now the addition of the 2 lines in the site.php for define the default email address have worked but now they do not seem to be. I change add them so that the address is one that represents the website more than my ow…

One-Page theme

I want to use a one-page theme for a client. If I am to design it myself or use an html theme as a starting point, how should I set up the structure? I am guessing I cannot design pages. I saw one theme like this in the marketplace. It is designed so ever…

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