Developing (v7+)

Architecture planning for voting on images

I am trying to plan a voteable image gallery for a C5 site 5.6 I am looking at 2-3 options. The mini brief - people vote on their favourite image of the month/week. The main question I have is i want to add ratings to an image is it best to add v…

Porting Wordpress theme to C5

A new client really liked a WordPress theme and wants me to set it up for her. After showing her Concrete5, she wants to use it but still wants that WordPress theme. How much work is it to port the wordpress theme to C5? Is it easier to make a clean de…

New theme based on twitter bootstrap

Hi, I would like to build and submit a theme in concrete5 marketplace. I want to build the theme with twitter bootstrap. I read your requarments, but I could not understand, if I can use free software (like twitter bootstrap) in my theme, or I should fir… Now Available

Hey everyone, just wanted to give you a heads up that our latest version of 5.7,, is now available for download. We posted yesterday but it had an installation bug in it, so we had to take it down. 5.…

Slow site and multiple 500 Internal Server Error

Hi All, I'm having issues with concrete 5 over the last 2 days with a very slow site and multiple 500 internal server error pages. I havent really played around with the settings and i'm unsure what to suggest to fix it. I have read many forum posts su…

Hardcode page permissions

I want to disable some of the features in Concrete for my clients. Things like workflow, conversations and extend concrete 5. I know I can do the following to remove these features: -> Go to the sitemap -> Show system pages -> Choose relevant system p… Now Available

UPDATE: Sorry everyone, we jumped the gun on this. There's an issue with this release that we are sorting out, so in the meantime we have pulled it. Hey everyone, just wanted to give you a heads up that our latest version of 5.7,, is now availa…

Guestbook/Comment block with emotions (emoticons) (smilies)

Hey all. I can't believe I can't find the answer to this online. It seems like it would be fairly simple. I'd like for visitors to be able to sign a guestbook and be able to use the little emotion icons within the comment textarea. I tinkered a bit bu…

Making a Blog Archive page (for built-in blog)

Hi, In my sidebar I have a "tags" block and a "Blog Archives by Date" block but right now it's linking to a page with empty content. What block goes into the "blog Archives" to display a list of blog entries? i.e.…

Weird Autonav Issue

Hi, I hope this hasn't been covered already in the forums, if it has I plead forgiveness and newby amnesty. I did look and couldn't find it. Here is the issue I'm having. I'm making a site that uses a megamenu, and I'm hard coding the autonav, using …

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