Developing (v7+)

Best way to get quantity of an eCommerce product

I need to get the quantity of an eCommerce product for use on a single page (if a certain product is sold out, I'm going to show a notice and maybe disable site registration). Anyone know how to do this? I think I should use this: [code]$product->get…

Making variables from edit.php available in auto.js

Hi, I have some variables that I pass from the controller to a form.php file with the set function (and form.php gets included in add.php and edit.php). But I would like to be able to access these variables in auto.js too. I read in another post tha…

Grouped search results

I would like to develop a search results page that can group output based on certain page types. It would work by presenting a results landing page that would display the first few results from each specified page type along with a summary of total res…

RE: Video Player

Please I need help with a video player that can be customised and works on mobiles. Thanks.

A Flyer type website

Hi Anyone thinks a website like this site is possible with C5? I am only looking at the Flyer part of the website.. I would need users to create an account and submit their own a Flyers in the respect…

Rebuilding a wordpress site in Concrete5

Hi guys/girls, A potential client of mine is looking to completely redesign their company website. The website was created with Word Press and I'd like to re-build it with Concrete5. I'm not sure how to do this - because what I want to do is build th…

addHeaderItem incorrect path

Hi, I am building a custom block and would like to include additional CSS in my add.php and edit.php. I've read that the recommended way to do so is the following : in controller.php : [code] public function edit() { // ... $html = …

Permissions: Editing access to file manager and adding links

So... I have a site with multiple editors. They each need access to a specific page. I have set these using the MANUAL option on the page permissions settings. I have tried each and every one of the settings options - starting with ALL of them selec…

Change order of archive list in ProBlog

Im trying to figure out how to re-order the archive list in ProBlog. Currently it is set to ascending (oldest date at top) however, I want to re-order this so that the newest date is at the top. Ive tried the sorting function in the block's edit menu…

Blocks, Types versus Instances, and Fetching Instances

I feel like I must be missing something here. A lot of blocks are generic types, like an image or some HTML. But an instance of a block that appears in one place should be able to appear in another, right? I can find nothing in the menus or documentation …

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