Developing (v7+)

Edit Blog Entry page

I want to add right sidebar to my blog entry page. but i dont know how to do that since im new to concrete5. i've tryed from page trypes but could not find that option. Do i really need to change code if yes what do i need to change since i cant fin…

how to make search, which will get results from db.

Hi, i have a search option in our website which is built in c5. that search is linked to some page(example news-archive), what ever we type into the search box it will display all the result which news-archive page have. Now, i want to filter the r…

How to present a pdf file too large for the file manager

I would like to place a link to a pdf file that is too large for the file manager. The choices in the content block when I use the built in link tool does have a pdf inline option. What are my other choices? Many thanks... Todd

Please help: Expired Guest Permissions 404 issue version

Hello, I have posted about this a few times, and also added this as a bug, but have rec'd no solutions. With older versions and the current version, the "Page not found" does not show up if the Guest permissions have expired. Instead, the user …

Hosted Composer PHP C5 repository

Hello: We've recently started using Composer PHP for our c5 websites, right now we have published a composer repository at (packages.json forked from ). It wou…

add link to an website

Hi i use concrete5 for my website and i need to add a like to a website how do i do it. i would like to to work like this at the top in the nav i would like to have "other website" and when you click on that it tank you to that website. can you he…

Select POST array Issues

So, I've been banging my head against the wall for a good few hours now, so I thought I'd bring this up here: Simply put, if you use selects and an array of values, you get screwed. See the below image for what I'm talking about. So, I have a dashb…

Pulling a variable from the database in 5.6.3

Hi I am having an issue, I used to be able to pull a variable (excuse my terminology i'm not an expert) from the database in the view.php of a block just using $var where var is the name of the field, i.e. in autonav i could use $orderBy to get the value …

controller redirection

From do_login in the login controller i want to redirect to a new method in my home page controller, passing some post vars along the way. I have my home page set up as a page type with an associated controller. I can redirect to the home page with: …

Filter Posts