Developing (v7+)

Passing a page id in page list

I am using ajax page tools (which seems to basically be a tweak to the pagelist) and want to say look for pages under this page id or path dynamically when I have a variable set to a page id. [code] $page = Page::getByPath('/path/to/page', $version = …

Add dynamic fields within a custom block

I'm thinking of building a simple question and answer block where user will be able to add a question and answer. How would I set this up so that multiple question and answers could be added within the same block. I'm guessing it would need some sort o…

Is Concrete still Anti-SEO after all these years?

We just migrated our primary website into Concrete First let me state that we love Concrete! However, being able to properly SEO a site is of vital importance to us. We just discovered that Google was seeing 3 different versions of each page…


I am going to have a search box and then will do a sql query against my database. I would like to be able to show the results, one record at a time, sort of looking almost like a website, with pagination. Think of it as searching for home listings, and th…

Table class for site affects c5 interface

I need to have a number of tables on my site with a red background, white text and border radius. So I have setup a table class to apply to the tables. However, this has resulted in the file manager having white text as well as some text in the form to…

Need to separate each item in Ecommerce Receipt

How can I make sure that every items ( ie: name, address, product#1, product#2, etc) are all separated onto their own lines. Right now, the generic receipt crams it all together and it is hard to decipher the information. Eaxample (I've hidden persona…

action method not available a rendered block

I render a block $bt = BlockType::getByHandle('my_block'); $bt->render('view'); but in the block's view the action method seems unavailable, so this is empty $this->action('any_action')

How to disable file compression

C5 makes all my images look like crap. I would really like to know how to disable this. I tried adding this to site.php: define('AL_THUMBNAIL_JPEG_COMPRESSION', 100); And it didn't work. Are there other steps I need to take? I need to know how t…

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