Developing (v7+)

Search by attributes

Hi, I hope someone can help me out. I am building a website were people can search for a camper. I like to have in top of the page a few selectoptions (and checkboxes) next to eachother to seach for different options (attributes) I created for pages. …

Autonav Issue

I am having problems with autonav. It will not load any classes or the homepage nor any dropdowns. Here is what I have in my header: [code] [/code] Here is what is output: [code] Inventory About Us [/code] Any help would be welcome…

Get number of child pages with a custom attribute value

I have a thumbnail page list template. In it, I echo the number of child pages (2 levels down from the page the page list is on). I need to filter those child pages by whether they have a custom attribute select list value. Is there anything like $cob…

Single Sroll Down Page

Hey Guy's I search for a solution to build a single site which scroll down about the navigation clicked. For example i can tell this site :

Docs or Examples for building a Permission model

Hi All. I need to build a Permission model for my objects in my Add-ons. Where can I read a documentation about implementation it over the C5 Permission system. What classes and database tables i need create for the implementation my permissions? I…

Block with main table and "item" table

I have a block which needs multiple items added to one instance. So i have created a list of items like: [code][/code] Now i can use [code]public function save($args) {...}[/code] in my controller to handle a save but i cant save my items array according…

Massive problems with logging in and editing

I am running version of concrete5 on a server with the following environment information: [code]# concrete5 Version # concrete5 Packages Automatic Email Obfuscator (1.2.3). # concrete5 Overrides blocks/page_list, languages/fi_F…

Override in Tools gives access denied error

So I'm trying to override the mobile_disable.php file from /concrete/tools in the root/tools/ folder. When I do this, it's giving me an Access Denied error. I don't want to override the core file, but I'm not sure a way around it. Any ideas?

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