Developing (v7+)

Theme a Customized login.php File?

I got part of the way there. First I changed the site_theme_paths.php file like so: [code] $v = View::getInstance(); $v->setThemeByPath('/login', "brp_theme"); [/code] That works as expected - the default login page had my theme applied. Goo…

Creating a base controller

I was just thinking, in a lot of projects I've done where I just used a framework (CakePHP, ASP.NET MVC, whatever), I usually end up creating a base controller (BaseController) and have all of my other controllers extend that. This way if there is anythin…

Insert Image Between Form Fields

I would like to insert an image between form field items. The structure would look something like this: Form Field 1 Form Field 2 Image Form Field 3 Form Field 4 Form Submit Button Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

How To Confirm A Helper Is Loaded?

I'd like to do a little more error checking and I want to be sure my helper has successfully loaded before I call any functions in it. Does concrete5 have a way to do that? If not, is there any example code of such a check? Bob

Filter used on

Hi, i'm totaly new to concrete5 so can anyone please tell me with which addon the filter on is done? I would like to do something similar on my website. Or if anyone knows a similar addon I'd really appr…

C5 Customisation - Custom the system of adding sub page

Hi everybody, I'm searching since a few hours about the file where C5 adds sub pages in the full sitemap. I would like personalize the system with multilingual package for create automatically the sub pages in the different languages when we add a s…

Alert box in dashboard.

Hello, I want to display alert box in dashboard after user login. In which file i want edit for display alert box. For Example when user logged in and go to dashboard just display alertbox like "Welcome Admin".

Running c5 in an AWS cluster

We're just finished installing a C5 based application in an Amazon Web Services load balanced cluster. Working through the docs takes a bit and JohnTheFish suggested that we write a how to. Creating a load balanced cluster using appservers and datab…

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