Developing (v7+)

Clean the tables when a block is deleting

Hi everybody. I don't know how can i clean my tables when i delete a block from a page. I've tested with the function delete() in my block controller but it doesn't work when i delete a block. It work fine when i remove the block in Block Types o…

Website with user registration and personal info

Hi, I'm trying to setup a website where new users can register and fill out a form afterwards. The form information should be displayed on the website for everyone (grouped per resistrant) (E.g.: a photo and profile details.) Any suggestions on how to…

I've just changed the user name of my site . . .

I've just changed the user name of my site (due to spelling error) and now C5 cant find my themes. Where in the database can I change the name of the directory (username)so that it will find the theme? Thanks

Autoscroll content up and down inside box?

Hi, I made my own theme and have created a box, where I plan to put in the daily news. But sometimes there are more news than what fits inside the box, so I'd like to have some sort of auto-scrolling-feature that scrolls the content of the box up and d…

Map rollovers not working Generated via Dreamweaver, why are my rollovers not working?

Can't override the core slideshow block view

Hi, I'm trying to customize the look of the slideshow block by overriding the view.php file of the slideshow block. I created the following structure: Main Site - blocks - slideshow - view.php However the core view.php is loaded inst…

Can A Package Override A Core Library?

In particular, I want to override concrete/core/libraries/item_list.php in a package. Is it as simple as making a copy to edit at packages/brp/libraries/item_list.php Or is there another/better way?

ProBlog Prev/Next Links To Nowhere?

The code: [code] [/code] is generating this markup for my blog index page: [code] « Previous Next » [/code] href="/!stacks/right-sidebar/" can't be right. The result …

An Unexpected Error Occurred - ?

I was just logged into my C5 site, editing a Nav block on the blog's main page (I'm using ProBlog), and I got this error: [code] AN UNEXPECTED ERROR OCCURRED. mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'ctID' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select cID from…

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