Developing (v7+)

Typography.css styles drop down not working

The typography.css file is in the root of the themes directory. The only entry in this file is: .winner { font-weight:bold; color:#2972bc;} I can see that stylesheet is being included via the resources inspector. But when I am in the wysiw…

Override Youtube block save method issue

I'm very new to customizing Concrete5 blocks. I'm facing problems when overriding the save method of the Youtube block. I've customized the block and added new database fields which of course need to be saved. In my /web/blocks/youtube/controller.php I…

Theme Development with 5.7

I'm working on a new theme for a client and decided to start the layout on 5.7 to get a feel for it. While the dotted lines around areas in older versions sometimes drove me crazy causing things to shift out of place, having no indication of areas until …

Internal Forward

Is it possible to do an internal forward within Concrete5? For example, rather than doing a regular 302 or 301 forward, just do a forward internally so you effectively get the same content as the forwarded address but at the original address?

IE 10 CSS issues

My client is having some issues with her site rendering correctly through windows7 in IE 10. I have screen shots that show layout and width discrepancies but can't replicate the environment to try fixing the problem. When I use browser compatibility sites…

Cropping a blog post thumbnail in pagelist view?

Hi all, I've added the code to add a thumbnail image to a blog post. [code] href=""> [/code] Question is, how do I get it so that it crops images to make a square (in this instance) image. I don't mind how it crops it, I wou…

Sprites with Concrete5? - RESOLVED

Is it possible to use sprites with Concrete5? I have a live site and don't want to try doing it if it's going to mess everything up. It seems like, since the CMS controls how the images are implemented, it might conflicts with using image sprites. Does…

Guestbook Comments Lost, Please help

In May I upgraded a client's site, C5, add-ons, along with any overrides. I noticed that with the upgrade, there were now two comment blocks appearing on blog pages instead of one. This maybe where I really messed up, but I went into page types and delete…

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