Developing (v7+)

5.7 snapshot- woot!

Just starting a post here to try to aggregate comments. Uhhh thoughts?

Call single page inside AJAX tool script

Hi all, i've kinda mess here. I've a page which makes an AJAX call to a script in /tools/mytool.php. The script process some data and creates an array with the results. Now i've the problem. I want to make a link to another single page using each comp…

Forms with Paypal Payment Snafu

Hi All, Using this form and noticed that when checking out at PayPal, the product name is not reiterated on the receipt. It gives a PROCESSING_ID: 13, B_ID: 818 under the description instead of the selected product name. Has anyone else experienced …

Things I'd love to see on C5's Form builder

I personally have an root level override to do this, but it'd be fantastic if this was in the core baked in. This isn't much to ask for :) 1. Ability to add all available input types (missing: time, number (not telephone), range, color) 2. Add "req…

proper syntax?

When using the following, what is the proper syntax to add attributes. I want to change the size of the textarea in the form, and I do not know what the proper syntax is. Can anyone point me to an example of this, or a section of the documentation I have…

Product Listings (non-ecommerce functionality)

I'm going to be creating a website that will feature product listings. The listing system must offer all your typical ecommerce features, minus the ability to purchase items. It's strictly for browsing purposes only. For example: - Browse by category …

How do I access my new page?

That has to be a silly question, but for a newcomer, it's legit. I've successfully created a theme from a flat HTML site and installed it with no errors or issues. But stupid as it might seem, I can't find documentation that tells me which URL I'll visi…

Problems with proxy and CMS assets

I have site located at with a proxy at The problem is that everything works fine on -- but when I'm not logged in and I'm just at (the place everyone will be viewing the si…

Can't get tags to work

Hi There, We have a strange issue with tags and so far have setup: - A tags page attribute (default handle: 'tags') - Assigned the tags page attribute to a news page type - Assigned tags on various news article pages - Placed the tag block in the s…

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