Developing (v7+)

how to add data from php cron parser into my database table?

Here's the deal. I'm runnung several cron parsers to collect the data (news, weather, etc.) and saving them into server files (let it be raw text), then I fetch those files via simple include into page template. But I figured, as long as C5 connects to…

Need Ideas for Building a Community Site

I have a project of my own that I am planning, and need some suggestions on how I could set up this community site. Basically, it will be a site where users can upload and / or create their own work. It would work like this: 1) User registers, a…

eCommerce/ site automatic user read access based on purchases made

Hello everyone, I want to use C5 to have an ecommerce purchase capability that will automatically create a user and give read access based on purchases made. Can something like this be done? Is there a product on the market right now that will help achie…

How to implement an external splash/coming soon page in C5?

Hi guys, I searched the Add-Ons directory for something along these lines but I wasn't able to find anything. I'm building a site with C5, but I don't expect it will be ready for a number of weeks. In the meantime, I'm hoping to build some buzz arou…

Remove Context Menu

I have some users that aren't very techy and the number one issue I have right now is when they left click the block, go into the context menu and then click "edit". I get asked all the time, "can't we just go straight into edit mode when I left click on …

Looking to add a library

How would I go about adding a library ( This one ) to Concrete 5? File structure looks like this C5/ libraries/ 3rdparty/ PHPImageWorkshop/ Core/ Exception/ Im…

Customising the auto-nav: page attributes and listing by parent

Hi, I've had a reasonable amount of experience with templating in WordPress, but this is only the second site I've built with Concrete5 and I can't seem to get my head round how to solve a couple of problems, nor can I find what I'm looking for in the …

iframe with Google Calendar not updating when using www?

Hi there I've been using an iframe with google calendar on my site for a while,, to show when the house is already booked. Now, it works like a charm when you access the site using But if you use www …

Unable to install Fitvids on my site

Hi, I'm trying to get this to work on my site, but so far I'm unable to do so: This js should make it possible to make YouTube video's responsive. Looks easy, but I must be doing something wrong... It would be great I you could h…

Load Javascript on homepage pagetype

I'm trying to load a Jquery plugin only on the homepage (I have created a pagetype for the homepage) The plugin had been loaded to the root/js folder "bjqs-1.3.js" This is my code in the homepage template: [code] …

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