Developing (v7+)

Documentation Issue

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but it didn't seem to belong in the issue tracker since it isn't an issue with the framework itself. --- There's a small documentation bug in the "Areas" section on the "First Concepts" page. It cont…

page permissions with group combinations programmatically

My problem is how do i add permissions to a page using a group combination programmatically. so only users who are a part of two groups can access the page, not one or the other. page::assignPermissionSet($permissionsArray) can this method be used …

Terribly Slow Time To First Byte

Hi there. I am experiencing an extremely slow TTFB on my website. There is hardly anything on the site so far, and a test on Pingdom shows a 4 second wait for the first bye. After the page begins loading, it's normal. Every page hesitates with this delay.…

Mysql error

Here is the error that C5 is giving me when I try to access my stacks area. mysql error: [145: Table './northg10_concrete5/PageSearchIndex' is marked as crashed and should be repaired] in EXECUTE("select p1.cID, pt.ctHandle from Pages p1 left join Page…

Fatal Error: Out of memory

I am consistently having issues with some of my C5 sites - when working on a site, I get the following error message --- Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 136577024) (tried to allocate 40961 bytes) in /home/burk/www/www/concrete/libraries/block_vie…

Styling the form block (custom template)

I'd like to style the form block. I *thought* that I could do this by creating a custom template but it looks like the styling for the form block is in: [code] concrete>core>controllers>form_minisurvey.php (inside of the loadSurvey method) [/code] …

Long Execution Time on Big Site

I've got a fairly large Concrete5 site with 1700+ pages. I recently upgrade to, and since upgrading have been experiencing slow load times on the homepage. I've adding a bit of PHP that is calculating the execution time of each page, and on sub…

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