Documentation Requests

Where is the Documentation?

I am getting Uh No! for every page of documentation I am trying to get to? Am I doing something wrong?

Express - Image(s) Display

Express - Image(s) Display Without editing code Just using… Express I have setup an… Express test Created… Express Objects and Entries Created a public Page Displaying… Multiple Sorted Filtered Entries …

Pagelist Open Link in New Window when External link

Hello!! I made a code for a page list with pages on de website and External links. I want the external links opened in a new tab when checked. But it doesn't. Can somebody take a look at my code and say how I can make the link check if it's a external …

How to fix the downed web site with a message of "Error 500"

The site was originally built on Concrete5. And is being hosted by Hostmonster. The site is found to be down today Nov 24, 2020. Can Concrete5 provide the originally built file to the hosting service provider for them to replace the malfunct server dat…

Upgrade Concrete to current

Hi, I am completely new to Concrete5. I have a new customer that has come to me with an old website version, and I would like to try to upgrade it to the current version. I have read through some of the documentation and made one failed attempt. …

Members Page and Directory Page the same

I am looking for an explanation as to why in the Site Map I have 2 separate pages that are linked as the same page (when they are not actually linked), one for "Members" (where members go to change password, add profile picture, etc) and another one for "…

Legacy Upgrades?

Just got contacted by a client I did a site for many, many years ago. It's currently on Can I safely just download the most recent update and install that? I'm assuming I need to make incremental updates — anyone have a recommendation o…

Class has Method but not Documented in API

I'm working with c5 since 2008 and with php for more than 15 years, but maybe there is something basic I actually didn't understand: I searched for the correct method to get the thumbnail URL for a file in the API documentation, but /Concrete/Core/Enti…

Workflow setup for users writer and editor

Hello, Could someone please provide some step by step guide to setup a entire site edit approve workflow for content approval? Group 1: Writer Group 2: Editor User 1: john_write (group: writer) User 2: editor_smith (group: editor) Workflow 1…

Content Editor/Approval Workflow Setup

Hello, I am new to Concrete5. We are working on migrating our clients application from Concrete 5.3 to 8.x. But before we can do that, we have to confirm that content editing and approval workflow features are working. Could you please provide an…

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