Installation Help

can't access dashboard with admin

Hi, I upgraded to 5.5, played around a bit and then restored 5.4 .2 after having some trouble with a theme. Now, I can login, but can't reach the dashboard. It presents me with another login screen, asking for my email address. I may have selected a se…

Trial not working

After I try to create a new trial, I get this error: mysql error: [1062: Duplicate entry 'Guest' for key 2] in EXECUTE("insert into Groups (gName, gDescription) values ('Guest', 'The guest group represents unregistered visitors to your site.')") If…

Rss Feed Automatic Update

Hi, I am new to C5 and I am trying to use an rs feed from and insert it on my web site using RSS Displayer, I have managed to get the feed to display on my site but for some reason my website does n…

Manual Upgrade from 5.5.0 to 5.5.1

What is the procedure for manually upgrading? I unpacked and uploaded the files in the .zip file (/files/tmp directory) should there be something else I need to do - like when manually upgrading packages? My c5 version says it's up to date 5.5.0.

custom folder within root

Hello I want to create a couple of C5 demo sites within the root of my site, I have rewrite rules on so when I create a folder within the root of the site called demos, then go to URL http://sitename/demos/cms or http://sitename/demos/ecommerce instead…


I am a complete novice and I'm trying to install the ViewPort Theme on my website. I purchased ViewPort as a bundle and I cannot figure it out. I have reviewed the tutorial videos and followed the links in the email I received when I purchased ViewPort …

Help! Problem with index.php

HELP! When I pull up the site without index.php in the URL, a Concrete5 page comes up with the error message "Page Not Found No page could be found at this address". However with I include index.php in the URL, the Concrete5 pages comes up ok. Bu…

Pretty URLs break my site

I just got c5 yesterday and am messing with one of the templates. I enabled the Pretty URLs option and it pretty much breaks everything on the site, navigation, and event the quick access bar if I remember right.

Godaddy Backup Blues

As anyone on Godaddy shared hosting found out, there isn't a site backup feature except the archive function in the FTP file brownser. The problem is, the archive function is capped at 20MB... I've tried the few PHP scripts out there that backup the ent…

Installation Help

When installing concrete 5 I get this message: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in /srv/disk4/987055/www/ on line 3 What does this mean? How do i fix it? cheers

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