Installation Help

How to fix PUA.html in tiny_mce

Hi guys, After downloading concrete5.5.0 I wanted to check, if it's clean and found that: concrete5.5.0/concrete/js/tiny_mce/plugins/paste/js/pasteword.js PUA.HTML.Infected.WebPage-1 Now I would like to know, how to fix that. I searched the …

Moving a site in 5.5

Editing the config/site.php file does not work like it did in previous versions. So where is the BASE_URL and DIR_REL information in 5.5? I'm simply trying to move the installation to a different directory on my server. Thanks.

Problem with new install

I have downloaded the latest version of concrete and keeps hanging on the Starting installation and creating directories. any clues....

Another Post about pretty URL's' Help me please

OK I am doing another website in C5 and I am running into some problems getting the Pretty URL's to work. I am using Go Daddy and installing to sub directory that is set up to be accessed directly by the domain name. I am on Linux and I have the setting c…

Moved Concrete5 a folder and now its all a mass

Hi, I have had my site built with Concrete5...while building the site, I installed and worked on Concrete5 (created pages...entered content and photo galleries etc...) on a temporary sub-folder at the "public_html" folder on my server... I wanted to…

Renaming c5 Directory / Moving to New Server

Hi, I have been experimenting/working on my first c5 site for a local artist on my server. I now want to show them my progress, but before I do is it possible to rename the folder that I uploaded c5 into, for the sake of tidiness. To elaborate I initia…

HELP! Database restore failed...

So I was attempting to downgrade from 5.5.0 to When I tried to restore to a database backup made under, I got a "page not found" error. I used the c5 dashboard backup & restore function. My backup is an SQL file. Now my site is s…

Downgrade from 5.5.0

Updated to 5.5.0, now riddled with issues. Should have waited for a "stable" version I guess. How can I downgrade back to I did a Database backup just before the update, and also made a copy of all the site files... So I should be able to …

upgrade errors with 5.5.0

upgraded from and get a blank page with these errors Warning: set_exception_handler() expects the argument (View::defaultExceptionHandler) to be a valid callback in C:\xampp\htdocs\concrete\concrete\dispatcher.php on line 46 Fatal error: Cal…

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