5.7 submissions
PermalinkIf your submission is a port/update of a pre 5.7 addon or theme to 5.7, please add a comment to that effect with your submission, noting what changes have been made.
Doing so will, in many cases, enable the PRB to get your submission through faster.
Failing to add such a note means that it will likely take a lot longer to review.

My current rule of thumb is that if its a 5.7 port of an existing marketplace item, by an established developer, the changes are the minimum needed for 5.7, and it works, then it gets approved without any further investigation.
If there is new functionality or the way it works has necessarily had to change for 5.7, then it gets looked into further. So far nothing that falls into this category or a higher level of new code has been in the prb long enough to be approved.
My personal opinion (as far as it matters), I think documentation should have been priority #1 prior to the whole marketplace renewal. But let's not go too deep into that matter...
The net effect will be an unnecessary diversity and lowering of net quality. All things that the fresh start for the 5.7 marketplace could have avoided to actually raise net quality of the marketplace if only the guidance had been in place.