5.7 Third Party Library "require":???

I am working on converting an existing 5.6 Marketplace Add-on to a 5.7 Marketplace Add-on.
5.7 Documentation for third party libraries are now delivered by the Composer Dependency Manager.
I have followed the steps listed for using Composer to add the library and I have a functioning Add-on. My problem is how Composer adds "require": statements throughout the code beginning with autoload . php which of course fails concrete5 :: Linter.
I do not understand why documentation says use Composer but the results from it are not accepted.
Any help on this would be appreciated.

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi 2deez,

This blog entry and comment might be helpful:
2deez replied on at Permalink Reply
That link closely describes what I've done with my add-on.
But there is a link in the comment posted by Antti Hukkanen that had a controller file example that used -
"use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;"

Using that, I did an on start method that uses a Filesystem call -
$filesystem = new Filesystem();
        $filesystem->getRequire(__DIR__ . 'my_file');

Thanks for leading me in the right direction.