ISO a Drop Down Menu Add-on


I recently upgraded from Version 5 to Version 8 and rebuilding my website. I searched the Marketplace and couldn't easily find what I was looking for.

I am looking for a simple drop down menu Add-on that shows a "lists of items". When highlighted and the "go Button is pressed" will direct the user to a new Web Page.

I know I could simply go to "HTML for Dummies" and create my own but time and other competing tasks guide me to this route..<smile>

Appreciate any help with this.


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Most themes based on Bootstrap or Foundation do this out of the box. You just need to configure the autonav for whatever number of levels.
jbrew2 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you, I didn't even look at the Themes. Let me give them a try.
