Let's put this out there up front. I'm being lazy by not researching this myself. Ok. Now that we've got that out of the way...
Can someone remind me how to edit a theme header? I put this site together years ago http://maccaplighting.com/ and I ne…
I get a faulty amount to be added when making a donate button.
(Add-on Paypal Donations Box)
After clicking the donate button I get a greyed out $0.00 that is unresponsive when attempting to type in the amount.
The o…
Hi all,
I am very new to CC5 , I have put my question on short video screen recording where I can show and explain my problem much better. Any help would be really appreciated
Edit: this is fixed in concrete5 8.2
I followed the instructions here: https://documentation.concrete5.org/tutorials/adding-ckeditor-custom-editor-styles-in-a-theme-content-blockrich-text-editor
I am using the following code:
public funct…
In concrete5-8.0.2 (same in concrete5.7) facebook login dont works it give error "An unexpected error occurred."
I tried to find in the code but it seems like it is facing issue in getting email addresss from the result returned by facebook …
There's a FB icon on a concrete5.6 site I just built that disappears when I login as administrator. It's not an icon I want there, but it appears when I am logged out, and disappears when I am logged in, so I can't delete it.
I have emptied the cache.…
Although I am a complete beginner, I have been editing a site without issue on C5 using the Fundamental theme. On 2 of the pages without any reason the edit panel is not opening when i click on 'add block' preventing me from editing these pages. a…
I have the following problem:
In "Files" I create folder, then doubleclick in that folder. Now I do a search and get some results. I still see the breadcrumb of the folder where I am in. Now I drag/drop a file from the search result to the fo…
I just noticed a problem with my website when editing custom page "Attributes". I get An unexpected error occurred. Call to a member function label() on null. This must have occurred during one of the upgrades to C5 but it's too late to revert back.
If you're looking to get help with an Add-on or Theme you got out of the marketplace, you can do that from the very same place you got the item in the first place. For example, if you have an eCommerce or Calendar question - go check out the Support tab for each of them.
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