Edit Site Header
Let's put this out there up front. I'm being lazy by not researching this myself. Ok. Now that we've got that out of the way...
Can someone remind me how to edit a theme header? I put this site together years agohttp://maccaplighting.com/ and I need to change 'MAC-CAP TM' to 'MAC-CAP ®' but for the life of me, I don't remember how. I know it's easy... all you have to do is...
Thanks in advance.
Can someone remind me how to edit a theme header? I put this site together years agohttp://maccaplighting.com/ and I need to change 'MAC-CAP TM' to 'MAC-CAP ®' but for the life of me, I don't remember how. I know it's easy... all you have to do is...
Thanks in advance.
It's probably either pulling the Site Name or controlled by a Stack.
Yep. It was the site name. I told you it was easy! Thank you hutman.
A related question. Do you know where I format the site name? The ® needs to be smaller and superscript.
The Site Name is also used for the Meta Title, so you probably don't want to put HTML tags in there. I would suggest editing your header.php file and changing it to not use the Site Name anymore, or if you're using a purchased theme, you might already have that option.