Yesterday I came across an odd bug that I had never noticed before.
In any WYSIWYG editor that is not inline, any pasted text is inserted before the existing content, regardless of the cursor position.
To recreate the error:
1. Add/Edit any block…
Hi there
I'm having some trouble with a slideshow and a CSS button on my website due to caching.
When not logged in it doesn't slide, it just stands still on the first image.
If I log in as admin everything works.
It has something t…
Hey - I have been unable to figure out what exactly is the "Is Featured" all about. This is found under> go to the sitemap, click on a page, go to attributes, and you will find it under "Navigation and Indexing." When would it be useful? Can you provide a…
Does anyone else here hate having to deal with the same issue over and over and over????
I have
I had an issue where when I would login with a known good ID/PW combo, it would not reload the screen or take me to the admin side of th…
I have been researching, looking around for best website live chat to chat with the visitors of website.
I was looking up at Zopim live chat, they look decent. Let me know if you have any experience/s, problem/s with this.
I watched th…
We are using a form block with a single field (set to email) to sign up for a newsletter. It gives an error (as it should) when you put some text in that is not in email address format (I think it might simply require an @ symbol, but I haven't dug into i…
I have a customer who wants some elements to be site wide but at the same time to cover the whole screen (like anything in the elemental theme but in contrast to Sitewide footer site title area which is only one piece).
What i would like is an a…
I'm trying to let an image align right on my new Concrete5 website 'in the making'. I've tried in it several times. Both in a global footer area and in a non-global area in the body of the site.
I tried it with the image in an image block and al…
I changed the .htaccess file to use pretty urls, and it fixed everything except the home page. The home page is index.php, but the redirect at the top left of the page goes to the base url on my website, which is not a page and does not exist.
It's act…
If you're looking to get help with an Add-on or Theme you got out of the marketplace, you can do that from the very same place you got the item in the first place. For example, if you have an eCommerce or Calendar question - go check out the Support tab for each of them.
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