CSS issues

Hi there

I'm having some trouble with a slideshow and a CSS button on my website due to caching.

When not logged in it doesn't slide, it just stands still on the first image.
If I log in as admin everything works.

It has something to do with my cache, because if I disable the CSS and JavaScript Cache it works for guests as well. But would like to be able to enable the cache..

CSS button:
I have a class "save_event" on a button. It works perfectly when logged in as admin, but when a normal user is logged in the button disappears. If I remove the class "save_event" the text of the button shows. This cannot be solved by disabling the cache..

Everything considered I'm experiencing some issues with the cache of some sort. The problems accured when moving the site from the test folder to the root folder. Before that everything worked as it should.

Any ideas?

Concrete 5.7

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
This sounds more like you aren't requiring some CSS/JS in your page, something such as bootstrap or jquery (which are not included by default when not logged in). What is the URL of your site?
jwulff replied on at Permalink Reply
www.afa-finance.com - right now all cache has been disabled.

I'm not totally sure what you mean :)
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
The slider seems to be working fine for me as guest, I don't see any missing js, but I don't know where to find the button you talk about to try to assess that.