Home page stuck as index.php

I changed the .htaccess file to use pretty urls, and it fixed everything except the home page. The home page is index.php, but the redirect at the top left of the page goes to the base url on my website, which is not a page and does not exist.

It's actually so bad that if I edit my index.php home page, when I save or discard the changes, it redirects me to the root url of my website which is not a page and does not exist. I have to manually type in website.com/index.php in order to get back to my home page.

How can I get my home page to be website.com as opposed to website.com/index.php ? I can't for the life of me figure this one out.

I could always set my base website url to redirect to index.php, but I would much rather have it be clean and normal. I don't want people getting double redirected if they click the link for the home page.

PineCreativeLabs replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Did you enable the "pretty URLs" feature in the dashboard?
Kibbles replied on at Permalink Reply
It was on, I toggled it off and then back on and low and behold now I have a home page at ex. website.com instead of the index.php version. That was a strange bug. Thanks for the input, it managed to get me to a solution.

Now I have another problem that's not as dramatic. I have the home page I want at website.com but the website.com/index.php page still exists. I can't delete either one because when I try they both give me the message that I cannot delete the home page.

I can live with this problem, but if anyone happens to know how I can delete the index.php version of the home page, for SEO reasons, that would be fantastic. I'm not even sure if they count as different pages in any sense, this is very strange.


I'm just now realizing that an index.php version of all my pages exist, so I guess this does not matter after all. If anyone has any thoughts about this that are relevant, feel free to comment. But I'm satisfied for now. Thank you to PineCreativeLabs for giving me the input that helped my initial problem.
Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you've nailed it. My understanding is that there is ONLY an index.php version of every page. The 'pretty URLs' trick changes your .htaccess file to hide the 'index.php' bit. This makes it look like you're going to a separate file but you're actually not.
Kibbles replied on at Permalink Reply
Very interesting. I could see that. I wonder how that affects things from an SEO standpoint, if it affects things at all.
Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
My understanding is that it might be slightly beneficial, SEO-wise. As far as search engine crawlers are concerned, the URL is the one without the index.php (when pretty URLs are enabled). Google has commented that it likes URLs that are short and descriptive, so the index.php bit would have been excess baggage.