Editing (v7+)

Can't login

I need to make a change to website that I built a few years ago. When I go to my website and click login - my old username and password don't work. When I ask it to reset and send me an email, the email never comes. **I can log in to Concrete5 via t…

Replacing Home Page - Please Help

Hi, I recently had someone start building my a website and they have since disappeared so i am now left to do it myself. The coding and content has all been done. The site map for the home page is as follows; HOME (landing page, says 'coming s…

No blocks available

I've just loaded up a site to concrete5 (www.globecalthwaite.co.uk) and while the choice to edit each block is available it is hidden at the extream left hand side of the block and is only 3 or 4 pixels wide. When clicked through I do not receive the norm…

Video Player not shown in MS Edge browser

I'm using the video player block in our concrete5 v5.6.3.1 site. The player works fine in Chrome Version 44.0.2403.155 m and IE11, but is not shown in MS Edge browser in Windows 10. Is it an html5 issue? I can edit the block in MS Edge, but in Preview or…

Full width block background - edge-to-edge border or image

Hello! I was hoping to have the background of a block (just a solid color) stretch from edge to edge (or perhaps just use a very wide background image that doesn't cut off at the theme page width). I'm just using a default theme, nothing fancy. Any ideas …

Cannot upload images.

I have a Concrete installation on my ipage account and the application freezes whenever I try to add any image. I don't even get the option of trying to upload anything. Tried resetting the cache, trying multiple browsers looking for a thread on here. NOT…


This has been resolved

Hover Grow and Shadow

Anybody know how to accomplish the hover grow/shadow effect? So, when you hover, the image gets a bit bigger and a light shadow appears under it. I'm in 5.7.5. Thanks in advance!

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