Editing (v7+)

User Admin Access

I created a group (site editors) and I need them to be able to access the dashboard without accessing the themes or system settings. Is there a way I can do that?

Requiring users to log in for one page only

Hello, My organization is seeking to have one page of our site (just one) require users to log-in in order to access its contents. What is the simplest way to do this? I considered some of the Marketplace items (Register User Pro, for example) but …

Can't receive messages from Contact Us Form

I can't receive messages sent through the contact us form. I tested the mail settings and the test email sent by concrete5 successfully came to my inbox however when I fill in the form, I get success message but the email message doesn't enter my inbox. …

Nav sub-menu not working on iPad

Hello, Just noticed that the nav sub-menus are not working on an iPad. You know, when you tap on the menu, iPad asks if to open the link in a new tab instead of exploding the sub-menus. It all works fine on a mobile phone and a Samsung pad. Is th…

Add-On: Auto Nav Pro: Dropdown is hidden

Hi together I'm using Auto Nav Pro for Navigation on my site. The Auto Nav Pro is placed in a Header block on my site. The Problem is: The drop-down (desktop-view) is only visible, if I have a second header-content under the navigation. If there's…

Styling with 5.7

Hello, I followed MrKDilkington's how to "How to copy the Elemental theme to use as a base for new themes", and I've done that, but I'm not seeing how to change the styles. I've read that the main.less is my main stylesheet, but when I add styles to i…

Internationalization add-on

Hi. The interface language needs to see internationalization. It's deeply needed for 5.7. to establish more and more for developers. At present only the old version seems offering it.

Deleted Pages Still Appears on the front

I have deleted a page. The page does not exist but still has a link in the other pages. How do I remove it entirely?. I might be missing something.

Load different footer files

Hello, is it possible to load different footer files for different page types? I thought I could change [code] [/code] to this: [code] [/code] but I get this error: [code] Warning: include(/home/spectrum/public_html/xceldefense/concrete/themes…

Form block broken

Adding a form leads to the following error: [code]Class 'MiniSurvey' not found[/code] While still in edit mode, the area where the form should appear remains blank. I'm working with a copy of the Elemental theme and all existing Javascript remains…

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