Editing (v7+)

Page redirect attribute does not work in navigation

After adding a page and adding 'page redirect' attribute to direct user to another page on the website, the redirect does not work in the main navigation (mega menu). Works in other places on the site just not where i need it to i.e. in the main navigatio…

Page not in Dashboard Sitemap

After adding a page to site map, its respective link appears in the website navigation. The link goes nowhere, and i cannot edit or even remove the page as it does not appear in the dashboard sitemap. Why would an added page then not appear in my site m…

Editing website on iPhone 6 plus

How can I do this? After logging into Concrete5 website, selecting Dashboard, then going to the web page to edit, Concrete5 does not display the EDIT button to tap. I am using the Slate theme. Where I would expect EDIT to appear, I see a Create ProBl…

Oveririding MAIN.LESS

Hello Everyone I finally found the page with the bit of code I want to override... it is buried very deep: public_html/updates/concrete5.7.4.2/concrete/css/build/themes/concrete/main.less Where do I copy the main.less? Do I create the same path u…

The new help widget button - how do I get rid of it!

Hi everyone How do I get rid of the help button? (top right of EVERY page)... I love having things imposed upon me (not!) so I need to get rid of it (or maybe add some code to make it appear on hover?) This is an example of how I think C5 should hav…

Can't apply 'Design and custom template' to blocks in a stack

I create a stack and add a block (content block). I want to apply a custom style to it. I click the block, click 'Design and custom template', the screen looks as if it's going to work but the button bar doesn't appear so I can not apply the custom tem…

v5.6.3.3 installed. Is there a compelling reason to upgrade?

I have v5.6.3.3 installed after a big effort in January. It was really a kind of upgrade horror (user error and upgrade path not clear) Through repetition I believe my routine is improved, but I don't wish to get into that same problem this time. Is …

Merging two concete instances to one instance

Hii My concrete website is serving two instances , one for main website (like http://localhost/suresh) and another one is for blog purpose (http://localhost/sureshblog). But now i need to combine blog to main site such as database merging without affect…

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