The new help widget button - how do I get rid of it!

Hi everyone

How do I get rid of the help button? (top right of EVERY page)... I love having things imposed upon me (not!) so I need to get rid of it (or maybe add some code to make it appear on hover?)

This is an example of how I think C5 should have a testing group made up of ordinary Joes like me (not coders, non IT industry types) to make this CMS even more kick-a** then it already is! I volunteer! Anybody at C5 listening?

Any help on eradicating that pesky little square thats like a sore thumb is most appreciated.

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mesuva replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
In the future I'm pretty sure they're be a checkbox in the Dashboard to turn it off, but for now there are two ways to do it.

You could add to your theme directly, or using the Custom CSS feature when you customise a theme the following css:
.ccm-notification-help-launcher {

That just hides the help button. If you want to actually turn it off programattically, create the file:
and inside it put:
return array('accessibility' =>

As a bonus, if you also wanted to turn off the news overlay that pops up when you log in, you can expand this file to:
return array(
    'accessibility' =>  array('display_help_system'=>false),
    'external' => array( 'news_overlay' => false,
        // if you want to hide news from intelligent search:
        'news' => false,
MarcYBB replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank's very much. Took about 10 seconds. And thanks for the bonus, too—it's a rare occasion to get more than you ask for.
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
I really like the help system, but I agree that covering page content isn't ideal.

Once there is documentation for using the help system, I bet it will be used a lot in blocks, themes, and single pages. There is a lot of potential for using it to make step by step guides tours.

I had an idea for moving the help button into the tool bar. I think this would be a better option than disabling it. If you like the idea of moving it into the tool bar, or have a better idea, leave a comment in the GitHub thread.