Editing (v7+)

Back from Sitemap to site id cID=142 - why?

Hi in the attached screenshot you can see, that when I am on the sitemap (C5 v, custom theme) and want to go to my sites pages - it's linking to ID 142 (which ist "download file"). Is this an error in the custom theme or another C5.7.4.x err…

"Add Block" window is blank

Version When I attempt to add a block to a frame, now the "Add Block" window pops up as usual, but is blank, except for the controls. Anyone have any suggestions?

Aligning text to the left doesn't work

Hi all, All of a sudden, in the Content block, text won't align left - right and justify work... no left. If I switch to html input, doesn't work either (while I'm at it, what's with all the doubling up of the code with "rel"? Just seems like a collas…

SMTP Temporary local problem

Hey, Not sure if posted in the right forum, but here goes: Using C5.7.4.1 On hosted server with Cpanel (hosted by Meebox.net) When I set up SMTP with our SMTP server, and send the test mail it gives the error "The following error was found whil…

Checkboxes - Custom Registration Attributes

Hi All, I've setup the attribute content within Concrete5 and have used the following code to display the checkbox in the registration: [code] [/code] However, once clicked, it is not saving the value as a user…

Image block won't center

I'm a new user to Concrete5, my website designer suggested that I use it and I absolutly LOVE it. It's so much easier to use than Wordpress, however there are a lot more bugs and not as much tutorials on youtube. 9anyone want to put up more tutorials?!) …

Css styling shows on webpage, but not in the HTML window...

Hey everyone, I wanted to add some fontawesome icons to a new webpage, but it doesn't work anymore. So I checked an older page with a few icons on it, the icons show, but when I edit the block and look at the html, it doesn't show the code for the …

Get white pop up when adding page to custom page type.

When i create a new page type and assign handle with the same name with .php extension to it and i click the add page option what i get is just the white pop up so if any one with suggestions to it will be highly appreciable.

Missing Editing Toolbar

I was working on changes to a page on my site. I uploaded a bunch of images to an add-on that I'm using, Smooth Scroller. After I saved those changes and approved the edits, the editing toolbar at the top of the page disappeared. I can still log in to…

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